Concrete New Jersey/Concrete Mold
New Jersey mold
Concrete New Jersey obstacle is made for driving vehicle in prefabricated concrete pieces connected to each other and operates as reverse navigator when vehicle strikes and decreases damage and prevent from overset. New Jersey mold is also used as guard of pedestrians, protects civil projects workers against vehicles, provisional and security obstacles and also dam and prevent from distribution of fire in forests, drives rivers and makes roads in several lines. Reason of naming this mold to New Jersey mold is that Steven technology institute designed this mold for making several lines of expressways by request of Department of New Jersey expressways at west side of United States of America in 1950. New Jersey mold separates ways in expressways. Operation of concrete New Jersey mold is very important because if New Jersey mold is not performed in a solid form, it will cause many damages.
Concrete tabulating mold
Concrete tabulating mold is a special and ordered mold which is described as follows:
Sliding tabulating mold
Production method of this concrete mold: after making concrete tabulating mold, the concrete is poured inside mold and sliding section of tabulating mold prevent from exit of concrete from mold. After concretion, sliding door is separated and concrete tabulating is ready. This concrete mold doesn’t need to experienced workers for installation and separation.
Usages of concrete tabulating mold:
- tabulating mold for determining traffic way
- Concrete tabulating mold for performing water channel and raceway
- Concrete tabulating mold for making traffic way of vehicles and pedestrians
- tabulating mold for determining and separating gardens and parks from traffic ways of vehicles
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