
Roof jacks

Roof jacks may be used for ordinary formwork in performing concrete slab and spar block ceilings. These jacks have 1500 Kg load capacity and produced for 3.5 m height which may be changed to 4, 4.5 and 5 m heights based on request of customer. Formwork will be easier under concrete beams by connection of T jacks on roof jacks. These T and U jacks produce 20 to 25 cm increase in height. Jacks of Parsian Ghaleb Industrial Group are manufactured by heavy pipes and bolt with 7 steps and nut from ductile shatterproof cast iron and bolt and nut with 6 steps and nut from steel. At more than 5 m heights, use of modular scaffold is proposed instead of roof jacks. Internal pipe and external pipe of roof jacks have 5 cm and 6 cm diagonal and sheet thickness of pipes is 2.5 mm.




۱fixed cross jack
۲T jack
۳U jack


Roof jacks may be used for ordinary formwork in performing concrete slab and spar block ceilings. These jacks have 1500 Kg load capacity and produced for 3.5 m height which may be changed to 4, 4.5 and 5 m heights based on request of customer. Formwork will be easier under concrete beams by connection of T jacks on roof jacks. These T and U jacks produce 20 to 25 cm increase in height. Jacks of Parsian Ghaleb Industrial Group are manufactured by heavy pipes and bolt with 7 steps and nut from ductile shatterproof cast iron and bolt and nut with 6 steps and nut from steel. At more than 5 m heights, use of modular scaffold is proposed instead of roof jacks. Internal pipe and external pipe of roof jacks have 5 cm and 6 cm diagonal and sheet thickness of pipes is 2.5 mm.




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