Row | Title |
۱ | Wall formwork |
۲ | Pillar modular formwork |
۳ | Foundation mold (streak, single, expanded) |
۴ | Slab and beam formwork |
۵ | arcuate panel wall mold |
When we speak about concrete metal mold, we go beyond content of modular which is correspondent to “size and scale” and face with various products in formwork for construction. We may say that metal mold and concrete formwork equipment are suitable replacement for wood, sheet, etc., in modern construction industry. Coordination between rigidity of concrete and modular metal mold helps human in modern construction in the world.
These molds with 1, 1.5 and 2 meters length and 10 to 50 Cm width in welding belt and double curve types are produced in direction of one purpose. Other supplementary equipment used for supporting these frames in constructing residential and civil projects is types of corners (external corner, internal corner, bezel corner, torus corner, punched cornerstone, construction scaffoldes (triangular, hammering, star shaped), types of joints which all of them are made in different sizes and various uses.
Production method:
As its name shows, it is made from metal. Metal in different forms including sheet, pipe and armature provides various products under title of “concrete formwork equipment” by cutting, bending, rolling, pressing, machining, assembly and welding, painting and plating. Modular molds which are called as versatile molds are designed and made based on 5 cm modules. These molds which are produced in various sizes and dimensions have the most usage in concrete formwork equipment. A modular mold is formed from a sheet cover and four punched belt at edge and reinforcement belts. All pieces are made from construction steel. Facing sheet has 3 mm thickness and reinforced by intensifying belts. These belts make mold pieces joint to each other and fastenings in addition to playing role of reinforcing cover sheet. Spaces of punched holes over four side belts of each mold are considered so that molds with various dimensions may be joined to each other. Form of holes and their dimensions have been designed so that wedge or clamps are easily used for joint. Modular molds with 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 cm width and 100, 150 and 200 cm length are produced. In addition, molds with various modules may be made by order of employer. Modular molds of Parsian Ghaleb Commercial, Industrial and production Group have high solidity and durability so that a modular mold may be used more than 150 times.
Manufacturing concrete metal mold with various dimensions and width change ratio of 5 cm helps to users of concrete formwork in operation of formwork. A combination of modular and non-modular molds and other concrete formwork equipment may be used for manufacturing and setup of structural elements such as foundation, tie, square and round pillar, shear wall, one-sided and two-sided wall, floor, ceiling, slab and beam. Also a conjunct set of molds and concrete modular formwork equipment may be used manufacturing other simple and complicated structures and civil projects.
During operation of structures by use of metal mold, a beautiful and secure structure may be achieved. Parsian Ghaleb formwork equipment may be used as permanent tools with long life due to their rigidity and reinforcement by a little accuracy and observing maintenance method. Speed increasing of formwork and construction standardizing and its proportion to climate, economic and social conditions of the state is another advantage of using Parsian Ghaleb metal molds.
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